Vaccine toolkit: https://www.cda.org/Home/Resource-Library/Admin/category/covid-19-vaccine-toolkit
Meeting recording: https://cdaorg-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/catherine_foss_cda_org/EUHdjP-JaAdCnKj4zw8xunEBO9nQySQPo9nxiwut-B0BkA?email=Catherine.Foss%40cda.org
Admin view: https://www.cda.org/Home/Resource-Library/Admin
Action items
- Catherine Foss (Unlicensed) to work with Chris on where/how to archive items
- cassidi (Unlicensed) to provide a walkthrough of how to make a doc accessible as a video that can be shared with team
- Ann to review vaccine toolkit format/changes
- Ann and Catherine Foss (Unlicensed) to review current resources that will be tagged into the reopening category
- Laura Pierson (Unlicensed) and Catherine Foss (Unlicensed) to discuss new project for adding a reopening category or page
- Possible need for flagging type of file and also number of files in the admin view