Login to the website
Go to the Resource Library
Click the “Add Article” button on the toolbar below the search
On the Add Article screen, enter your resource’s essential information:
Title → Title box
Summary → Summary box
Full text → Content box (below the blue heading “Article Detail Type”)
Check the boxes for the categories you would like the resource to display in. You can choose more than one if needed.
If you are adding a PDF, Word document, or other downloadable file:
Locate the Documents box (blue heading) about ¾ of the way down the page
Drag and drop your document(s) onto the box or click the “Select Documents” button
Click the “Upload” button
Edit the document title and (optional) description for each document:
Click the pencil icon next to the document
Change the title to something more user friendly than the file name (generally, this is just fixing capitalization and removing dashes/underscores)
You can also add a brief description, but this is rarely needed.
Click the save button
The resource library template automatically adds the file extension (pdf, docx, etc) after the resource title so users know what they’ll be downloading.
Click the green “Save and View” button at the bottom of the Add Article screen.
Review your published resource and make any corrections needed.