Adding images or logos to the image carousel component
Step 1:
Open the edit settings window by selected the pencil icon in the bottom left corner and select “Add Module.”
Step 2:
With the Add Module window open, select the “Content” option.
Step 3:
Scroll to the right to select the “Image Carousel” content component.
Step 4:
Place the “Image Carousel” content component in the desired location and select the blue check to confirm.
Step 5:
Hover your curser over the top left corner of your content component and open the “Edit” options.
Step 6:
Click into the “Photos” field to an image.
Step 7:
Select the blue “+” to add a new entity photo or add an exiting item.
Step 8:
Upload image, add appropriate alt text and title tags to image.
Add link url if needed. Save image by selected blue check at bottom right corner of window.
Step 9:
After adding desired photos, turn “Auto Rotate” setting to “False”.
Save Image Carousel component by selected blue check at bottom right corner of window.
You can edit existing photo entities by selecting the pencil icon