Super-User Changes (Ongoing/ad-hoc) | IT Platform Team Changes (Project work) | Developer Changes (Project/Budget Required) |
Text changes (to existing pages/sections) Link or button changes Adding a new resource (article, Practice Support resource library item, webinar, etc.) Manging the event calendar Adding or replacing images Adding or replacing files/documents Downloading/exporting form results Making Content accessibility (documents/images accessible, images, headers, links) | Adding new content sections (modules) Adding new pages Changing page names Adding or changing categories Short URLs (“vanity URLs”) Navigation/structural changes Roles/permissions Homepage changes | Global changes (stylesheets, menu, footer) Changes to webforms |
A: If you have been trained and have the correct access, you don’t need to ask anyone in order to make a change. If you are not sure, please do reach out to someone from the website platform team through Teams or email to get things set up.
Q: What are content editors/creators responsible in terms of accessibility?
A: Primarily the following:
Content headers/structure
Image/document alt text
PDF accessibility
Images (contrast, responsiveness, size)
Providing alternative options for multimedia content
Clarity of information (link text, titles, etc)
View details and resources here: Accessibility Requirements
Q: What do I do after I make my change or update?