Endorsed Services / Endorsed Service | CDA benefit designed to bring members savings on business services and additional expertise from vetted vendors Endorsed Services include Abyde, ADA Visa® Credit Card, Bank of America, CareCredit, eAssist Dental Solutions, Henry Schein One, HR for Health and iCore Rx (as of 2024) capitalize as indicated and include appropriate brand marks and disclosures refer to vendors as partners; may be capitalized depending on context (CDA Endorsed Partner) hashtag: #CDAEndorsedPartner
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e-newsletter | CDA Update is no longer a printed publication; instead, content is delivered though a weekly e-newsletter called Inside California Dentistry no longer use CDA Update to describe the newsletter; rather, use the name Inside California Dentistry or the term member e-newsletter do not employ the terms publication, update, monthly or issues for newsletter content
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Journal of the California Dental Association | title of digital clinical publication; use lowercase “the” as preceding article italicize unless used in a channel that doesn’t permit italicization or used graphically (title in cover/thumbnail art) may be referred to as the CDA Journal or the Journal on second use or with audiences familiar with the publication in CDA communications, we do not italicize titles of other clinical journals, except in references/citations
See Taylor & Francis style guidelines and standards for details. | |