
The optimization project for was designed to make building webpages more efficient through: 

Dynamic and Reusable Content 

Do not copy/paste text manually on multiple pages. This is inefficient and increases risk of inaccurate content. Enter text as an item in Easy DNN News or set a module to appear across multiple pages through settings. 

Easy DNN News

  • Easy DNN News is not just for articles. Use for any content blocks that can be grouped together and displayed across pages; many templates are available. 

  • Benefits: categories, tags, sorting, filtering, searching 

  • Pre-built templates eliminate need to develop/design new pages and sections 






Patterns and Reusable Components 

Visual components are not just about “look.” They communicate a particular content type, so they should be used consistently and true to their original intent. 

Structured content / “2sxc” content module 

  • Ensures that visual components are consistent across pages

  • Makes it easier for users to digest information 

  • Also makes it easier for content editors to add information without needing a developer to make a brand new component 

  • Don’t make new components unless there is a true need