TDIC Logos
The TDIC logo is a valuable asset, and should not be altered in any way. Incorrect use weakens our ability to protect the logo.The TDIC brand logo is made up of two components: the letters, or type treatment, and the orange chevron. These two components are always placed in a fixed relationship and should never be altered or modified. The font for our logo is Goudy Oldstyle Std. A registered trade mark ® is always used with the logo. Never use our logo with a service mark (SM).
The logo colors are CDA gray for the type and CDA orange for the chevron.
Logo Versions
The TDIC logo is a valuable asset, and should not be altered in any way. Incorrect use weakens our ability to protect the logo.
TDIC logo with identifier
When the TDIC logo is used by an outside entity or beyond California, it is necessary to use the complete company identifier along with the logo.
Logo Clear Space
Logo Sizes
TDIC Logo with Identifier in color field
In the instance when the TDIC logo with identifier is being used in a color field, there are three options for placement of the identifier type. Choose the version that best fits your application. The font for the identifier is Futura Book Std.