1. What, in your opinion, is the best tool to use to determine appropriate color contrast?
2. Is color contrast an issue for photos and graphics when type is not used?
3. What size/resolution should we build our graphics in order to accommodate the ability to resize to 200% without loss of quality”?
4. Should we be providing alt text descriptions on all of our images for the web and email? If so, would the content writers provide the copy?
5. Can you explain what a “keyboard focus indicator” is and how it relates to building graphics for the web?
6. Should we completely avoid using text in web graphics unless it is live text?
7. What is meant by “text spacing” when referring to content accessibility?
8. Is True Text the same as live text?
9. Is link text coded in? For example, can a “Learn More” button have link text which is more descriptive for screen readers, like “Learn more about our pricing structure”?