Issue summary: Files that are restricted to users based on permissions are not working as expected. Users are only able to access protected files if they are already logged in to the site.
Expected Result:
Un authenticated user clicks on a protected file
Login screen appears
Upon successful login, the requested file displays
Actual result:
Unauthenticated user clicks on a protected file
Login screen appears
Login is successful, but an error screen appears stating that the resource has been removed
In a screen share with Ashley Jaros, we confirmed that she did have the correct permissions to view the file and ensured the file itself did not have issues by doing the following:
Logged into website
Clicked on protected file
File displayed correctly
We also confirmed that this is happening to files in different folders, so it is not isolated to a specific file or folder, and other internal users have had the same experience so it is not isolated to a specific user.
Screenshare of issue:
To replicate issue:
Ensure you are logged out of website
Go to this link:
Click “CDA Policy Archive” in the right sidebar
4. You should receive a prompt to login. Ashley had the following permissions if this helps; we may need a test user that only has the permission CDAMember (I do not have an Aptify account so I can’t replicate this exactly)
5. After logging in, an error screen should appear.
6. Return to and login, then follow the above steps again. This time, you should be able to view the file.
File location: This particular file is in the folder “Member > pdfs”