QA Checklist - Updated
After updating content, the following items should be part of routine Quality Assurance review:
Page or resource is visible to the public
Images are sized for web, responsive, and display correctly
Publish date is updated
Page Structure
Headers should be in sequential order
Bold text should not be used in place of an actual header or anywhere it may be mistaken for hyperlink text
Responsive Testing
Testing on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Test the website layout on each device to ensure that it's responsive and adjusts to different screen sizes. Look for any layout issues such as overlapping or misaligned elements, text truncation, or hidden content.
Test the website navigation on each device to ensure that menus, links, and buttons are easily accessible and functional. Check for any user interface design issues such as buttons being too small on mobile devices.
Test images and videos on each device to ensure that they are displayed correctly and do not affect the website load time.
Test website forms on each device to ensure that they are user-friendly and easy to complete. Check for any issues such as fields being too small or difficult to select on mobile devices.
Test the website on different web browsers to ensure that it looks and functions the same across all browsers. Check for any browser-specific issues such as CSS rendering issues. Now only test on Chrome, Edge, Safari and Firefox.
Links go to the correct page
Linked pages or files open in the same window of the browser
In the Resource Library, links should direct to a resource or page and never directly to a document
Images and Visuals
Images are optimized for web
Contrast meets ADA requirements
Images are responsive and display correctly across device sizes
Charts and graphs and images have appropriate alt text
Documents meet ADA requirements
Documents open in the same window of the browser