Website Roles & Permissions: TDIC Sales/Service
First Name | Last Name | Email in Website | Date Added | New hire? | Notes | Manager/ Supervisor |
Daisy | Aguilar |
| -Followed up 9/10- -Followed up 9/14 | Karrie Jones |
Alexis | Allen |
| 9/10 | Yes | Has access |
Eve | Allen |
| Yes | Initial email 9/29 |
Amber | Allison | 8/26/2021 |
| Has access |
| |
Nadine | Beasley | 8/26/2021 |
| has access |
| |
Anai | Beatty | 9/3/2021 |
| Added staff role on 9/3 |
| |
Stephanie | Billeb |
| Added staff role 9/9 |
Jasmine | Birmingham |
| Yes | Emailed 9/10 -Followed up 9/14 Followed up with supervisor 10/11 10/25 | Karrie Jones |
Deborah | Boyd |
| Yes | Followed up 9/10 -Followed up 10/25 |
Lloyd | Brown |
| Followed up 9/10 -Followed up 9/14 Followed up 10/7 Followed up with supervisor 10/11 10/25 | Isaac Price |
Tracie | Erickson |
| Followed up 9/10 -Followed up 9/14 Followed up with supervisor 10/11 10/25 | Debra Wong |
Sarah | Escudero | 8/26/2021 |
| has access |
| |
Rita | Ferrari |
| Followed up 9/10 -Followed up 9/14 Followed up with supervisor 10/11 10/25 | Karrie Jones |
Jeremy | Fullenwider |
| 9/9 |
Albert | Genato | 8/26/2021 |
| Has access |
| |
Rebekah | Giles |
| 9/7/2021 |
| Added staff role 9/7 |
Lauri | Green | 8/26/2021 |
| has access |
| |
Laura | Houston |
| 9/10/2021 |
Brittany | Husein |
| Yes | Followed up 9/10 -Followed up 9/14 Followed up with supervisor 10/11 10/25 | Karrie Jones |
Karrie | Jones | 8/26/2021 |
| Has Access |
| |
Raquel | Jones | 8/26/2021 |
| has access |
| |
Patty | Judge | 8/26/2021 |
| has access |
| |
Samson | Landeros | 8/26/2021 |
| Has DNN account and needs access -CMF this user already had the right role |
| |
Margeaux | Le Gare | 8/26/2021 |
| has access |
| |
Shirleen | Leal |
| Followed up 9/10 |
Casandra | Lopez |
| Followed up 9/10 -Followed up 9/14 Followed up with supervisor 10/11 10/25 10/29 Casandra confirmed she no longer needs access | Karrie Jones |
Yanira | Lopez |
| Yes | Initial email sent 9/14 Access provided 9/15 | Karrie Jones |
Natalie | Loy |
| Added role 9/7 |
Brandon | Mangold |
| Yes | Initial email sent 9/14 Followed up 10/11 Followed up with supervisor 10/11 Supervisor says this is not an active employee | Karrie Jones |
Anna | Martin |
| Yes | Added 9/14 |
Jack | McKinney | 8/26/2021 |
| Has Access |
| |
Lorena | Mendoza | 8/26/2021 |
| has access |
| |
Vanessa | Morales |
| Followed up 9/10 Followed up 9/14 Provided access 9/15 | Isaac Price |
Patrick | Nelle |
| Followed up 9/10 Followed up 9/14 Access added 9/15 | Isaac Price |
Jessica | Norman |
| Yes | Added 9/14 |
Isaac | Price | 8/21/2021 |
| Has Access |
| |
Al | Robinson |
| Has access 9/13 |
Lissette | Rosenberg |
| Followed up 9/10 Followed up 9/14 Added role 9/15 | Karrie Jones |
Melissa | Sanchez | 8/26/2021 |
| Added staff role on 9/3 |
| |
Brynna | Sely |
| 9/7/2021 |
| Added 9/7 |
Laila | Smith | 8/26/2021 |
| has access |
| |
Rich | Sousa |
| Followed up 9/10 Followed up 9/14 | Karrie Jones |
Penny | Thomas | 8/26/2021 |
| has access |
| |
Lehan | Thompson |
| has access |
Dyanne | Thompson | 8/26/2021 |
| Has Access |
| |
Lorie | Walton |
| 10/25/2021 |
| Followed up 9/10 Followed up 9/14 Followed up 10/7 Followed up with supervisor 10/11 10/25 | Isaac Price |
Christie | Welsh |
| 9/8/2021 |
Debra | Wong | 8/23/2021 |
| Has Access |
| |
Adriel | Wood |
| 10/25/2021 |
| Followed up 9/10 Followed up 9/14 Followed up 10/7 Followed up with manager 10/11 10/25 | Kelli Young |
Emelita | Woods | 8/26/2021 |
| has access |
| |
Kelli | Young | 8/23/2021 |
| Has Access |
| |
Andrew | Zehnder |
| 9/10/2021 |
| Has access |