the California Dental Association | the organization name is used in full with “the” (uncapitalized preceding) use in full with parenthetical abbreviation upon first reference generally only in external materials or for audiences unfamiliar with the brand if referred to as the California Dental Association or the California Dental Association (CDA) on first use, may use “CDA” or “the association” thereafter
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CDA | abbreviation of the organization name, never “the” preceding (CDA, not the CDA) abbreviation alone may be used in communications to those already familiar
| DO Use “CDA” or “the California Dental Association” |
DONT Use “the CDA” or “C.D.A.” | | | |
CDA Foundation | | |
| | organization homepage, always lowercase; in general, use without “www.” prefix redirects to Foundation landing page on CDA’s site
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contact information | Phone: 800.232.7645 Email: Facebook: @cdadentists, Twitter (X): @CDAdentists (note, activity on this channel is paused as of 2024) Instagram: @cdadentists LinkedIn: Hashtags: #DentistsOfCalifornia, #withCDA, #cdaproud
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CDA Presents The Art and Science of Dentistry | CDA’s flagship dental convention; no longer italicized no punctuation between CDA Presents and tagline; spell out “and” (no ampersand) when the complete name is used in the first reference, simply use CDA Presents thereafter For audiences familiar with the convention, CDA Presents may be sufficient CDA Presents or CDA’s convention is sufficient in headline, subject lines, etc.
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convention | preferred descriptions; do not use session, show, tradeshow or conference convention is the preferred description; do not use session, show, tradeshow or conference; however, show may be used with exhibitor audience only meeting may also be used but is generally not applied in marketing communications
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CDA Presents Online Learning | See the CDA Education & Events Style Sheet for other programs and usage details. | |
dates | abbreviate months Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. (Sept. 8, 2022) per AP style in publications, research, informational articles, etc. months do not need to be abbreviated in marketing materials (direct mail, emails, etc.), but formatting should be consistent within each marketing piece date ranges should be separated by an en dash with no space on either side (Sept. 8–10, 2022) in channels where an en dash is not available as a character, (such as social posts or email subject lines), use a simple dash
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