3-5 very short quotes about the value of membership
Place on both the “join” and “renew” pages or on generic about page. Could also place one on the “share your story” page, but would want to select quotes that are more member-focused and less membership/CDA focused
Will serve as a portal of entry to a more focused testimonial page
Use existing testimonial component built for Presents page
Homepage CTA for 2-3 weeks in top section
Permanent placement above practice support on homepage
Member overview
Item 2: Member story page
Incorporate categories (COVID, general membership, practice support, etc.). Use category tree to navigate between categories
Optional: select 5 quotes from members that are more about their stories for the “share your story” page
Consider what a “details” page would look like when a user clicks through to read a longer story.
Could incorporate “Student Spotlight” and stories about dentists in the community
Consider integration with social media to collect stories about specific topics and encourage sharing
Include stock photos for visual interest https://magazine.northeast.aaa.com/department/your-story/
Consider a COVID-specific page or quote block
Tasks for team
Select 5 quotes about membership
Optional: select 5 quotes from members that are more about their stories for the “share your story” page
Create 3 general quotes to feature on homepage and member overview pages (or other pages) Sarah Schaale (Unlicensed)
Create low-fi wireframes to illustrate quote section with CTA text/button to go from the quotes section to the testimonials page Zagazeta, Carmen (Unlicensed)
Compile about 10 longer stories for the testimonials/member stories page. These could be the same as above depending on goal of testimonial page. Sarah Schaale (Unlicensed)
Create wireframe of details page Zagazeta, Carmen (Unlicensed)
Edit/shorten quotes and get approval to publish Sarah Schaale (Unlicensed)
Create internal landing page banner for the member testimonial page Zagazeta, Carmen (Unlicensed)
Create a visual CTA to “share your story” for the member testimonial page Zagazeta, Carmen (Unlicensed)
CTA to replace Journal graphic on homepage Zagazeta, Carmen (Unlicensed)
Legal requirements for quotes (name etc) Kristin.Kelly (Unlicensed)
Create newsletter and social components Zagazeta, Carmen (Unlicensed)
Journal graphic
Scrolling quotes with CTA to member story page
Portal page
List of stories with links to detail pages
CTA to “share your story” (link back to the form)
Details page
Full story
Share your story form page
Link to member story page