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\uD83C\uDDE6 A-D
claims representatives | | |
Commercial Property insurance | two types of coverage are offered: Business Owner’s insurance and Lessor’s Risk insurance capitalize when used as the name of TDIC’s insurance product; lowercase in other usage may also be referred to as TDIC Commercial Property coverage or policy property insurance may be used in marketing to non-policyholders or those unfamiliar with the term or TDIC
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contact information | Home Office Mailing Address: 1201 K St., 14th Fl., Sacramento, CA 95814 Online: Email: Social Media:
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cyber- | per AP style, follow the general rule for prefixes and do not use a hyphen: cyberattack, cybersecurity, etc.; cyber incidents and cyber activity are both two words
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Cyber Suite Liability insurance | additional coverage available only to Business Owner’s policyholders may also be referred to as Cyber Suite Liability coverage or Cyber Suite Liability policy; cyber coverage may be used in marketing to non-policyholders or those unfamiliar with the term or TDIC
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dates | abbreviate months Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. (Sept. 8, 2024) per AP style in publications, research, informational articles, etc. months do not need to be abbreviated in marketing materials (direct mail, emails, etc.), but formatting should be consistent within each marketing piece date ranges should be separated by an en dash with no space on either side (Sept. 8–10, 2024) in channels where an en dash is not available as a character, (such as social posts or email subject lines), use a simple dash
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Disability coverage | offered via TDIC Insurance Solutions in certain states; capitalize when used as the name of the TDIC IS product; lowercase in other usage when referencing the “group purchasing power of MetLife,” observe brand marks and disclosures
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\uD83C\uDDEA E-K
Employment Practices Liability insurance | coverage for discrimination, wrongful termination, harassment or unfair treatment claims generally, not abbreviated; however, may be abbreviated to EPLI (not EPL) if at first spelled out followed by parenthetical EPLI is offered as an endorsement to TDIC’s Professional Liability policy
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Health coverage | offered via TDIC Insurance Solutions in certain states; capitalize when used as the name of the TDIC IS product; lowercase in other usage when referencing carriers available in each region, observe brand marks and disclosures health coverage types include Individual & Family and Small Group plans
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\uD83C\uDDF1 L-O
Liability Lifeline | digital publication focusing on risk management topics and solutions for dentists title is not italicized preference is to use plain-speak description like “our digital publication on <X topic> of risk management guidance” rather than the publication name
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member(s) | preferred term for CDA members who are eligible for TDIC coverage; may be referred to as California Dental Association members or CDA members member-dentists may also be used; always hyphenate preferred term for members of dental associations in other states
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numbers | per AP style, use figures for 10 or above and whenever preceding a unit of measure always use figures when referring to ages of people or events
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Optimum Bundle | discounted package for Professional Liability, Commercial Property and Workers’ Compensation insurance only available in California due to availability of Workers’ Compensation
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\uD83C\uDDF5 P-S
percent / percentages | use figures (decimals) for percent and percentages: 1%, 2.5% per AP style update in 2019, use the percent symbol (%) when paired with a numeral, with no space, in most cases try to avoid starting a sentence with a percentage, but if necessary to do so, spell out both: Eighty-nine percent… for percentage ranges, use the percent symbol (%) after each figure; AP Style Guide considers all these formats acceptable: 15% to 20%, 15%-20% and between 15% and 20% when listing a series of percentages, use the percent symbol after each number (“discounts of 25%, 30% and 50%…")
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policyholder(s) | | |
Professional Liability insurance | preferred term and TDIC product name; however, malpractice insurance may be used in marketing to non-policyholders or those unfamiliar with the term or TDIC capitalize when used as the name of TDIC’s insurance product; lowercase in other instances may also be referred to as TDIC Professional Liability coverage or Professional Liability policy
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pronouns | when referring to someone whose gender is unknown or unspecified, the singular they should be used, not he or she; they/them/their take plural verbs even when used as a singular pronoun; see AP Stylebook for guidance
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Risk Management | department within TDIC that helps policyholders minimize loss operates the Risk Management Advice Line and provides expertise for articles and resources do not abbreviate to RM (unless RM is part of a proper name as in RM Matters)
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Risk Management Advice Line | available to all TDIC policyholders, as well as dental association members in the states TDIC serves may be described as no-cost, but not free if referred to as Risk Management Advice Line on first reference, may be Advice Line thereafter
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Risk Management analysts | | |
risk management seminar | new course introduced every two years and held at various events throughout the year, including at conventions; provides C.E. credit to attendees (and premium discounts in select markets) may be offered as in-person seminars, live webinars or eLearning courses (no hyphen in eLearning) seminar title, including subtitle following the colon, should be in title case (for example, Communication, Care and Clear Protocols: Ensuring Safety for Patients of Every Age) in general, when used as a descriptor and not as part of a title, lowercase risk management is preferred
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states we serve | Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, New Jersey, North Dakota, Pennsylvania and Tennessee | |
\uD83C\uDDF9 T-Z
The Dentists Insurance Company (TDIC) | in general, company name is used in full or in full followed by TDIC set off with commas or round brackets/parentheses on first use if referred to as The Dentists Insurance Company (no acronym) on first use, may simply be TDIC thereafter in communications to policyholders or those familiar with our company, TDIC is acceptable on first reference
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TDIC Insurance Solutions | dentist-centric insurance agency serving Arizona, California, Illinois, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, Tennessee and Washington (as of 2024) a dedicated broker that offers expert guidance and access to expanded coverage options through leading carriers do not abbreviate TDIC Insurance Solutions to TDIC IS in external communications
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times | format times consistently, using a colon and minutes only when needed (7 a.m., 7:30 a.m.; not 7:00 a.m.) in general, a space follows the last digit of the time, then a.m. or p.m. (punctuation used; not am or pm); however, am or pm may be used in specific digital channels for design simplicity time ranges should be separated by an en dash (7–7:30 a.m.); if both times in the range fall in the a.m. or p.m., a.m. or p.m. only needs to follow the second time noon may be used in lieu of 12 p.m. Do not write “12 noon”
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titles | when an official title immediately precedes the individual’s name, capitalize when it follows the individual’s name, lowercase; job descriptions are always lowercase
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trusted advisors | | |
Workers’ Compensation insurance | only available in California through TDIC; in other states, offered by other carriers via TDIC Insurance Solutions possessive plural; capitalize when used as the name of TDIC’s product; lowercase in other usage may also be referred to as TDIC Workers’ Compensation coverage or policy do not abbreviate to WC in external communications (outside of vanity url )
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