WordPress-Page Types
Types of webpages
Homepage/landing page
Minimal text
May contain showcase stories and snippets from other pages
Prioritize key points and quick facts
Seamlessly lead users to the next pages using clear portals of entry
Allow users to “self-serve” and find their next step
Example: Newsroom, topic-specific news page (propositions, settlements, etc.), Practice Support landing page
Portal page
Minimal text
Similar to a landing page, but with less focus on new content and stories
Content is likely evergreen
Goal is to provide users all the options of connected pages so they can reach their next destination
Examples: Practice Support category page, Presents page
Catalog page
Similar to a portal page, but content changes frequently
A “menu” to select content items for more details
Items are typically of the same type (articlars, events, resources)
Design should remain consistent and focus of layout is ease of use
Examples: Event calendar, news archive, resource library
Content page
Longer, narrative content is appropriate
Focused content
Layout should differ between pages, but not drastically (ie, use the same subpage layouts across your site to improve pattern recognition)
Examples: News article, Practice Support specialty page, FAQs