Quick how-to for 2sxc
Download the Quick how-to for 2sxc
In bottom left of page click the pencil icon. If you have done this correctly you will see dotted lines around modules like below.
Hover over the top left to see the blue icons and click the pencil icon. Note: this only works if it is a 2sxc module. For regular HTML modules the edit is still in the right corner.
You’ll see the edit modal appear.
To edit the image, first click the three dots next to an image, and then select Image Manager.
Edit text by clicking on the pencil icon next to a line of text. It will bring up an edit modal. You can add/change the header, add an icon, or edit the paragraph text. In some components with longer text, click into the paragraph line and you will get an html editor with formatting options (this is for short lines of text here).
Control links in the same way. Hover over a link and you will see the editing controls. Click the pencil to edit the link, the circle with a line through it to remove from the list, or the x to delete completely (not recommended as it will delete this link from all pages).
If you want to add a link used on another page in the site, just select it from the list. Or, click the plus sign to add a new link.
At the bottom of almost all components you can control spacing. Click the edit button (or the plus button if there is no spacing yet) to adjust.
To add new components…
At the bottom left of the page click the middle icon (the block) to add a new module.
Click “Content” to add your 2sxc module. On the bottom of the page you will see previews and/or descriptions of the 2sxc components available. Drag to the pane where you would like this to live.
Follow editing process as above.