Adding New Pages

Before creating a new page please refer to the template guidelines: How to Use Website Templates

  1. Select the “Pages” menu

2. Use the plus signs to expand the tree menu and find the place for your new page to go. Then click the ellipsis and select “Add Page”

3. Fill in your page information. The most critical pieces are the name, the parent page, and whether or not to display the page in the menu.

4. To hide the page or adjust permissions, use the permissions tab.

5. Page template/theme is handled under the Advanced>Appearance tab.

Changing the page theme or template is not usually needed and does not relate in any way to the content or modules that are on the page. There are few if any circumstances in which you would change these settings.

Standard settings for pages are shown below. Pages generally have breadcrumbs and the standard container style is “no-title”.


6. If you need to turn off indexing (hide page from Google) or add additional URLs, these settings are found in the SEO tab:


7. Your new page has been created. It will not contain any modules/content sections until you add these.