QA Checklist

After updating content, the following items should be part of routine Quality Assurance review:


Page or resource is visible to the public
  • To check this, log out and make sure the page is still visible

  • If the page is intended to be only visible to certain audiences, this might require that someone with that permission verifies this item.

Images are sized for web, responsive, and display correctly
Publish date is updated

Page Structure

Headers should be in sequential order
Bold text should not be used in place of an actual header or anywhere it may be mistaken for hyperlink text

Accessibility checker plugin: WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools


Links go to the correct page
Linked pages or files open in the same window of the browser
In the Resource Library, links should direct to a resource or page and never directly to a document

Images and Visuals

Contrast meets ADA requirements
Images are responsive and display correctly across device sizes
Charts and graphs and images have appropriate alt text


Documents meet ADA requirements
Documents open in the same window of the browser

Resource Library Specific QA

Publish date is correct
Hyperlinks go to specific resources rather than a PDF or other file link
Resource categories are correct