How to Manage TDIC Website Alert Banners

How to Manage TDIC Website Alert Banners


Recording from 12/19/24 - See Teams chat “TDIC Banner Maintenance” Task Transfer to GW DevOps

→ Note: Only the first 20 minutes are relevant

TDIC Banner Maintenance_ Task Transfer to GW DevOps-20241219_133351-Meeting Recording.mp4


Style guide: Alert banners_TDIC.docx (sharepoint.com)

Note on Azure Web Services time zone:

The website is hosted on Azure Web Services, and DNN pulls in the DateTime information directly from the IIS web server. We don’t have a way to make the cloud-based service think it is in PST. Similarly, we don’t have a way to make DNN ignore the server’s DateTime value and adjust it to PST. The solution for this is to compute your start and stop times in GMT when updating the banner.

  1. From any page, click the pencil icon on the top right of the module to edit the text. If you don’t see a pencil icon, you may not be in edit mode (toggle into edit mode at the bottom left of the page). If the pencil icon is hard to click from the full-width pane, try working from this page instead: https://tdicinsurance.com/Style-Guide/Alert-Banners

2. Make your edits and make sure to save.


3. Now change the dates this module will be displayed. From any page, click the gear icon to access the settings menu.


If you are not able to click into the module to edit (it can be tricky with the full-width pane at the top of the page) there is an alternative way to access module settings.

From the bottom left, click the page settings button.


Click the “Advanced” tab, and you’ll see the list of modules. Click the gear icon next to “Alert Banner.”

Once you are in the module settings, you can change the start and end date this will be displayed. Scroll to the end of the first tab under “Advanced Settings” and select the appropriate dates and times.







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