Getting Started: Jira, Tempo, and Confluence
Overview: Tools for Project Management & Capacity Planning
| Jira | Tempo | Confluence |
Time Tracking | Track time (on tasks) | Track time (on a timesheet) | No time tracking |
Task Management | Track task status | No task management | No task management |
Project Documentation | View details for tasks and epics | No documentation | View high-level documentation, style guides, project briefs, etc. |
Reporting | View charts and graphs of tasks completed | View charts and graphs of logged time and planned time by business unit, team, etc. | No reporting but can display reports from Jira or Tempo on a Confluence page |
Link |
Using Jira
After logging in to Jira, access your task list by clicking the “Your Work” tab
Alternatively, access your dashboard through the “Dashboards” menu.
Click into an individual task to work on it. These usually have blue or grey icons (purple icons are epics, which are not individual tasks).
This view should contain everything you need to know to start work: when the task should be started, finished, any attachments, assets, etc.
5. When you start work on a task you can move it into “In progress” at the top right. When it is ready for review (or whatever the next step is), move it to “Ready for Review”.
6. Add attachments by clicking the paperclip icon and then uploading through the modal.
7. Add subtasks (smaller tasks that need to get done as part of a larger task) by clicking the checkmark icon.
8. Add links to other Jira tickets or webpages with information related to a task by clicking the link icon.
9. Add comments to tickets (or use @name) to send a message to someone about a ticket. You can attach images or add links within comments.
10. If your task is part of a larger work effort (an epic), click the “Epic Link” to go to the full list of tasks that are included.
11. Alternatively, you can view your tasks on a board view. Use the breadcrumbs on any task to get to the main project. Then, click “Kanban Board” in the left menu. You can move your tasks through the statuses on the board as you work on them.
Using Confluence
There is a space set up for your team as well as shared spaces for marketing team members. These spaces may be useful to start:
Jira Migration Help Center
How-To Articles you have information that needs to be shared across the team (project briefs, assets, content drafts, etc.) these can be shared as new Confluence pages. Click the blue “Create” button at the top of any Confluence page to make a new one.
3. Select “Blank Page” or click the “Show More” link to see all available templates in Confluence (over 70)
4. Name your page and then you can choose from adding text, images, etc. Click “Publish” when you are done. You can click the lock icon next to the publish button to make your page only visible to certain people or teams.5. Page settings are available using the ellipsis menu on the right side of the page. You can select “view in hierarchy” to move your page to a different place in the menu.
You should see the page tree. You can now click and drag your page to a different order or under a different parent item.
Using Tempo
Connecting Outlook to Tempo
Logging Time in Tempo