Website Request Report Form Automations
Form location: Located in the CDA and TDIC Website Projects Sharepoint
Sharepoint list:
Option 1: Service Desk issues
User selects “something else” in the form
User skips all website-related questions and is taken directly to a multi-line text field where they describe their issue
On submit, an email is sent to “” with a cc to “”. No Jira ticket is created.
When email arrives in Outlook, additional automation is needed to:
Save the email in the folder “DNN website requests”
Status: Items 1-3 complete, waiting on SD to confirm receipt and understanding of automation purpose. Item 4 not complete.
Option 2: Bugs/website issues
User selects their website and the first option, “Reporting a bug/something not working” in the form
User completes the screen with details of the issue.
On submit, an email is sent to “” with a cc to “”.
When ticket is created in Jira, additional automations are needed to:
Ticket type: bug
Assignee: Catherine
Status: New
When email arrives in Outlook, additional automations are needed to:
Save the email in the folder “DNN website requests”
Status: Jira automations not complete and #5 not validated.
Additions: Does not collect attachments and send to Jira; does not correctly capture time.
Option 3: Support
User selects either “website access problem,” “support with content edits”, or “training request”
User completes the related screen
On submit, an email is sent to “” with a cc to “”.
When ticket is created in Jira, additional automations are needed to:
Ticket type: task
Assignee: Catherine
Status: New
When email arrives in Outlook, additional automations are needed to:
Save the email in the folder “DNN website requests”
Option 4: Enhancements
User selects “backlog request”
User completes the related screen
On submit, an email is sent to “” with a cc to “”.
When ticket is created in Jira, additional automations are needed to:
Ticket type: story
Assignee: unassigned
Status: backlog (?)
When email arrives in Outlook, additional automations are needed to:
Save the email in the folder “DNN website requests”