Student Applications Automation
This automation takes info collected from a webform on and maps the information from the Outlook notification to a Sharepoint list which can then be imported into Aptify.
Business owner/s: April Mahoney or Karen Atienza
IT contacts (forms): Marcus Castille or Chris Jackson
Email notification: Sent to
Sharepoint list: “Student Membership Applications” in the space “CDA.Org Website Projects”
Flow: Conditional element of the existing flow Website Platform: Outlook Email Routing
Step 1: User submits the application form (currently on
Step 2: Auto-response is received in a shared mailbox in Outlook.
Step 3: Emails are moved to a specified folder.
Step 4: New item is created in the Sharepoint list
Webform submission triggers an auto-response to be sent to the Outlook email “” with the subject “Student to Active Membership Application. The current webform is located on but this automation will work with any webform as long as it triggers an auto-response to the specified folder with correct subject line.
Flow trigger: “When a new email arrives in a shared mailbox”
Condition: “Subject contains “Student to Active”
If yes, move the email to the folder “Forms: Student applications”
If no, do nothing
Next step: Convert content from HTML to text
Final step: create a new item in the Sharepoint list. Map each form field to the corresponding cell in the Sharepoint list using this expression:
End Result
The purpose of this flow is for the membership team to be able to export the results into a spreadsheet that matches the format required by Aptify.