Website Request Report Form Automations





Option 1: Service Desk issues

  1. User selects “something else” in the form

  2. User skips all website-related questions and is taken directly to a multi-line text field where they describe their issue

  3. On submit, an email is sent to “” with a cc to “”. No Jira ticket is created.

  4. When email arrives in Outlook, additional automation is needed to:

    1. Save the email in the folder “DNN website requests”

Status: Items 1-3 complete, waiting on SD to confirm receipt and understanding of automation purpose. Item 4 not complete.


Option 2: Bugs/website issues

  1. User selects their website and the first option, “Reporting a bug/something not working” in the form

  2. User completes the screen with details of the issue.

  3. On submit, an email is sent to “” with a cc to “”.

  4. When ticket is created in Jira, additional automations are needed to:

    1. Ticket type: bug

    2. Assignee: Catherine

    3. Status: New

  5. When email arrives in Outlook, additional automations are needed to:

    1. Save the email in the folder “DNN website requests”

Status: Jira automations not complete and #5 not validated.

Additions: Does not collect attachments and send to Jira; does not correctly capture time.

Option 3: Support

  1. User selects either “website access problem,” “support with content edits”, or “training request”

  2. User completes the related screen

  3. On submit, an email is sent to “” with a cc to “”.

  4. When ticket is created in Jira, additional automations are needed to:

    1. Ticket type: task

    2. Assignee: Catherine

    3. Status: New

  5. When email arrives in Outlook, additional automations are needed to:

    1. Save the email in the folder “DNN website requests”


Option 4: Enhancements

  1. User selects “backlog request”

  2. User completes the related screen

  3. On submit, an email is sent to “” with a cc to “”.

  4. When ticket is created in Jira, additional automations are needed to:

    1. Ticket type: story

    2. Assignee: unassigned

    3. Status: backlog (?)

  5. When email arrives in Outlook, additional automations are needed to:

    1. Save the email in the folder “DNN website requests”