Gated Content: Overview and Next Steps Jira ticket with notes/progress is here.

Completed steps:

  • Proof of concept in sandbox showing that we are able to display resources conditionally to registered users (see slides: Gated content). Users are able to log in, be verified through Aptify, and are returned to the item they originally tried to view as expected.

In progress:

  • 10 Lb is fixing a bug that was preventing protected files from being viewed correctly after the user logged in. Although not directly part of the resource library gated content, this will ensure that all content types are able to be protected.

  • 10 Lb auditing all usages of Easy DNN News so that templates can be updated to ensure that gated content displays properly from any path the user may access the resource from.

Up next:

  • Content/visual strategy: What messaging do we want to display to non-members when they reach this “paywall”?

  • CDA internal will need to audit resources to make sure that they are not tagged into categories like the newsroom, which would allow for non-members to view content when resources are accessed from these pages.

  • 10 Lb will consolidate the templates currently in use and build in the conditionals to display content based on role

For discussion:

  • 10 Lb recommended that instead of hiding the gated content completely, we instead display a popup over the top of gated content that will prevent unregistered users from seeing the content but allow the content to still be visible to search engines. Example of another site using this functionality that 10 lb created is here:

    • Design/visual concept (Yesenia can create).

    • Template updates (HTML/CSS). This could be 10 Lb or possibly Marcus.