Managing Categories in Easy DNN News

Adding a resource to a category

  1. Items in categories are managed by editing the individual resource, not the category. Start by clicking “edit article” on the item you need added.

  2. Scroll to the “Categories” section and check the box next to the category you need the resource to be associated with


3. Finish by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking “save and update”

Removing a resource from a category

  1. Click “edit article” on the item you need to remove from the category

  2. As above, scroll to the categories section. This time, unselect the category in the checkbox.

  3. Finish by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking “save and update”

Changing category names or category structure/nesting

Changing names or hierarchy of categories will need to be done through the Easy DNN News admin settings. Please contact the Website Platform Team to have this item added as part of a future sprint.