Newsroom Settings and Options

Newsroom Settings and Options

Information about where and how news articles are displayed.


The homepage news feed is set to show the most recent articles in order by date. Any articles marked “featured” will show up first regardless of publish date.

To adjust these settings, first click “edit settings” on the upper right hand side.

Standard setup should have “apply filters” selected and articles are ordered by publish date.

Adjusting featured article display

To adjust how featured articles are displayed, click item 4, “filter articles.”

This will expand the menu. Scroll to the bottom of the section where you can choose to display only featured articles (current setting), keep them at the top, or turn both off to have the article feed only controlled by article date.

Selecting articles manually

You can instead manually select three articles to display here. First change from “apply filters” to “select specific articles”. This will prompt a new option to “Select category.”

Select “news articles” and the articles will show up below.

Hover on the top right of an article and a plus sign will appear. Click the plus button.

Selected articles will appear at the bottom of the article list. Only three will display.

Scroll to the bottom and click “save” as your last step.

Newsroom Page

There are three separate configurations in the newsroom main section.

Section 1: Shows the most recent article (regardless of whether it is flagged as featured)

Section 2: Shows most recent article that is marked as “featured”

Section 3: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th most recent article

These can also be adjusted to manually show articles as outlined above.

Newsroom, Lower Section

Displays articles based on filters from above. Filters can be changed based on need.

Hover over the filter labels and an option to “edit settings” will appear.

Check or uncheck the boxes to show and hide categories.

Newsroom Archives

There are four separate pieces that can be configured in the archives.

Section 1: Search bar. The search is unlikely to need modification.

Section 2: Category filters by year

Section 3: News feed (controlled by category filters)

Section 4: Category filters by topic

Adjusting category filters

Sections 2 and 4 are both customizable and you can choose any categories to display. Use the method above.

Section 3 is currently set to display articles in any newsroom category.

The settings above are the initial setup. If you need to only show articles from some categories, you can change this setting.

First uncheck the “news articles” box. No categories are selected.

You can now manually select your new categories.

If you also need to only select some of the subcategories, unselect “auto select all child categories.” Now you can choose only certain subcategories (child categories).

Make sure to scroll to the bottom and click “save” to complete this.

Showing and hiding sections

If you don’t want to show a section, you can temporarily hide it. For example, you may not need two main features in the newsroom.

See this tutorial for how to show and hide modules: Module Permissions