12.10.2021 Website Analytics Discussion
Dec 10, 2021
Determine how to best collaborate on website analytics, which could include:
Strategic set up (developing goals on what needs to be tracked)
Technical set up/optimization (tag manager, GA, other?)
Scheduled/regular usage of data collected and best way to socialize or distribute
Analysis of data
Ad-hoc reporting needs
Ideally, analytics should be not just within the website but between sites/channels…
Discussion topics
Examples of situations/areas that need clarity:
When data points are needed for a presentation, partner request, etc., who at CDA should receive and route these requests? Is there a place (Jira, Planner, other) where we could capture and work through these requests?
What format can we provide that will be most helpful for business units? Sometimes there is confusion when staff are provided information coming directly from GA if they are not familiar enough with how to read and interpret the data.
What information is currently being measured and reported on that could be useful in decision making?
How can we collaborate on a regular basis to review data already collected and identify additional tracking needs?
Action items
- Create initial simple project that will be used for “intake” of new analytics requests that can be fulfilled by a couple of people, and increase awareness of data already available. Capture needs so that we can use this information to improve what we have available for future scenarios and optimize website setup to meet demand.