Resource Library Post-Launch Check-in
Jun 7, 2021
@Catherine Foss (Unlicensed)
Michelle Corbo
Tiffiny Glass
Teresa Pichay
Katie Fornelli
Yesenia Gutierrez
Cindy Hartwell
Lisa Greer
Marta Ryan
Ann Milar
Overview of next steps after resource library launch.
Broken links in some of the documents
Actual document has links not working but actual document was working
When putting in “mandated reporting” and “required employee training” the search is not working and pulling up 404s
Action items
@Catherine Foss (Unlicensed) connect with developers about pagination issues (should be showing up on each page)
@Catherine Foss (Unlicensed) connect with developers about sitewide cache
- Use resource library Teams channel to document any resource issues that come up. Tiffiny will log the issues.
- Weekly meetings going forward will include Marta and Michael in addition to PS team. Next week will be an additional meeting for phase 2 of the resource library.