Sharepoint Resource Library Transfer
Jun 7, 2021
@Catherine Foss (Unlicensed)
Marta Ryan
Tiffiny Glass
Lisa Greer
Katie Fornelli
Teresa Pichay
Ann Milar
Michelle Corbo
Determine where to save files and how to work with them
Analysts don’t save into the Resource Library, only Tiffiny
Analysts make a change to the title when something is updated. This needs to be removed when saving or will end up with two versions.
Current versions have recently been hard to find. Some things have been saved into multiple folders.
Sarah Gargani’s team may have items if back to practice related
Analysts update resource, add initials
Tiffiny takes the doc, removes initials, and has the final one ready for the archive folder
In the past Faizah would have had the updated version always in the working analyst file
- No excel tracking sheet needed at this time