2021-06-25 Debrief on PS Reopening Guide

2021-06-25 Debrief on PS Reopening Guide


Jun 25, 2021


  • @Catherine Foss (Unlicensed)

  • Tiffiny

  • Marta

  • Ann


  • Debrief on how to improve process going forward

Discussion topics

Went well:

More back and forth and discussion was helpful

Did a good job interpreting the spreadsheet

Project start was good

Jira helps to see where things are blocked and where they are



Project execution more challenging

process unclear--didn’t know what was completed, what was not

Status was hard to track

Hard to not know where things were or what to respond to

Unclear where to put things; sometimes 10 Lb doesn’t have access to the folder

Task history was not available so that somebody else could jump in and assist; single point of failure



Create a project folder for each new folder

Work together to be more realistic about timelines

Clear project setup

Prioritization within the project

Use checklists to determine definition of done and break out project pieces ahead of time


Action items

@Catherine Foss (Unlicensed) create a template for new practice support projects similar to this that will help with their tracking: https://californiadentalassociation.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AWT/pages/1483276297
Tiffiny to identify training needs for discussion next week; goal is to have her competent in many of these updates in two weeks


  1. Projects will be discussed and a Confluence plan and determination for where files should be placed will happen early on. Catherine will work with Tiffiny to set up new projects in a way that helps her to track the pieces.