2021-06-29 10 Lb Check-In


Jun 29, 2021


  • @Catherine Foss (Unlicensed)

  • @Chris Jackson

  • @Yesenia Gutierrez (Unlicensed)

  • @chris.behling

  • @cassidi (Unlicensed)



Discussion topics

  1. CDA internal vetting of incoming requests

  2. Building an EDN and newsroom view so we can more easily see resources

  3. Monsido logins for Catherine and Chris

Action items

@Catherine Foss (Unlicensed) to meet with Yesenia, Candace, Sydnee to come up with requirements for an EDN & 2sxc reporting view (page level)
@Catherine Foss (Unlicensed) and @O'Neill, Leslie / @Candace Coulombe discuss tag structure for pages based on pillar structure
@Catherine Foss (Unlicensed) create a form for Tiffiny
@chris.behling to test out the draft/publish workflow in EDN
@chris.behling 2 half-hour sessions with practice support/EDN; 1 hour-long session for 2sxc for ADA
